Countdown to Cyclehack

Three days from now, Cyclehack will open its doors for the first time ever.  We will welcome an audience of cyclists, makers, designers, developers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, pedestrians, and any other interested people who might happen past the Whisky Bond.  Not only will Cyclehack be taking place in Scotland this weekend, but we have grown to include events in Melbourne, Beirut, and Tbilisi.  Equipped with months of collecting barriers and listening to different perspectives around the cycling experience,  residents of all four cities will generate some pretty amazing ideas – some big and some small – that will make a real difference to cyclists’ lives.


Click the photo for our bloopers!

This all started from a conversation over coffee nearly a year ago when Sarah Drummond said ‘why don’t we do a hack?’.  And here we are. After starting with an idea, boat loads of enthusiasm, and no money (and to be honest, I didn’t really know what a hack was), it’s now THIS weekend.  Many thanks to our sponsors and great Kickstarter supporters for that.  To think that 6 months ago,  we were just making our Kickstarter film (you can see our bloopers by clicking the photo on the right).

Creating a room full of dynamic people isn’t always just about the task at hand, and neither has been my experience with Cyclehack. I’ve had the absolute pleasure to work with Sarah who can do just about anything and if she hasn’t done it before, you’d never know it. Matt from Snook joined the team and he has taken it miles further than we could have done alone.  And countless others including Cat, Rory, and Stewart who have brought their skills to the table in a big way. It has been great to meet cyclists from all over Scotland – those that have taken their great idea and created a business out of it like Day Glow Doris and Purple Harry, those that are fighting for safe roads, and those that just get on their bikes – come rain or shine.

It’s been a real labour of love and I can’t wait till Friday.  Tickets are still available – we’ll see you there!






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